Bogleheads 3 Fund Portfolio
This is a "lazy portfolio" made popular by Bogleheads—followers of the late Jack Bogle. An 80% equity version of this portfolio is shown here, but the equity concentration may be adjusted by age, risk tolerance or other personal factor. The three funds are very well diversified and yet have no overlap, making the portfolio easy to understand, manage and rebalance.
Other information about this portfolio.
This portfolio may not reflect the current view of the author.
Asset | Holding [%] |
VTI Vanguard Tot Stock Market ETF |
60 |
VXUS Vanguard Total International Stock ETF |
20 |
BND Vanguard Total Bond Market ETF |
20 |
Historical Summary
Mean annual return: 10.9
Min annual return: -17.5
Max annual return: 24.6
Table of Annual Returns
Year | Return [%] |
2024 | 15.6 |
2023 | 20.0 |
2022 | -17.5 |
2021 | 16.8 |
2020 | 16.3 |
2019 | 24.6 |
2018 | -6.0 |
2017 | 18.9 |
2016 | 9.1 |
2015 | -0.5 |
2014 | 7.8 |
2013 | 22.7 |
2012 | 14.4 |
Historical growth
Misc. information
UpMyInterest selected this as a useful portfolio for the DIY investor.
- Returns assume dividend reinvestment.
- Returns assume continuous rebalancing.
- Vanguard index funds like VTI, VWO, etc. were used where a portfolio calls for US equities, emerging market equities, etc. There are other providers of analogous index funds.
Do your own research before selecting an index fund for your portfolio. We do not endorse Vanguard or receive any compensation from them.
Click here for other historical returns.