The Coffeehouse Portfolio
The Coffeehouse portfolio was popularized by Bill Schultheis. The portfolio is 60% equities, within which it is tilted towards the U.S. market, small cap and value stocks. The 40% allocation to bonds may limit growth for long-term holders.
Other information about this portfolio.
This portfolio may not reflect the current view of the author.
Asset | Holding [%] |
BND Vanguard Total Bond Market ETF |
40 |
VXUS Vanguard Total International Stock ETF |
10 |
VNQ Vanguard Real Estate ETF |
10 |
AVUV Avantis U.S. Small Cap Value ETF |
10 |
VTV Vanguard Value ETF |
10 |
SCHA Schwab US Small-Cap ETF |
10 |
VOO Vanguard S&P500 ETF |
10 |
Historical Summary
Mean annual return: 6.1
Min annual return: -14.0
Max annual return: 15.5
Table of Annual Returns
Year | Return [%] |
2024 | 7.7 |
2023 | 12.7 |
2022 | -14.0 |
2021 | 15.5 |
2020 | 8.3 |
Historical growth
Misc. information
Reasonable portfolio for those interested in a 40% bond holding.
- Returns assume dividend reinvestment.
- Returns assume continuous rebalancing.
- Vanguard index funds like VTI, VWO, etc. were used where a portfolio calls for US equities, emerging market equities, etc. There are other providers of analogous index funds.
Do your own research before selecting an index fund for your portfolio. We do not endorse Vanguard or receive any compensation from them.
Click here for other historical returns.